Saturday, September 8, 2007

Jeni's Mission is Flooding...

So here is the most recent photo Jeni sent... As you can see it is flooding... she still looks gorgeous.... here is a small excerpt from her most recent email: "So life is good. It's been kind of a crazy week. The weather cooled down for most of the week!!! AMAZING! I've worn sweaters for about 5 days! We were actually really excited to wear pantyhose! I never thought that would ever happen to me! The fun thing is that the first day of the cool weather was the day of rain. It rained ALL DAY LONG and a lot. I waded through a river to get out of my apartment. I'll send a picture with this to show the fun that came from that." This was just a very small excerpt, if you would like me to forward her email, just let me know... more later.
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Aidenator said...

Ahhhhh! I want to read her e-mail...I'd like to write her as well. What's her addy?? She looks so cute. I'm so everyone is on this thing. Yay for blogs!
Love Ya, Lace

*The Ranagan's* said...

yay! Jeni looks BEAUTIFUL! I love you guys so much! I'm with Lacy..whats her addy I would love to write her. Love you Aunt T!

**Wendy's At It Again** said...

Hi Tammy,
Just thinking about you. I hope you're doing well. Jeni looks so good and it's amazing to read her e-mails. Thanks for forwarding them on to me. I'll send them on to my girls too. Take Care,

Unknown said...

Hi Tamra, I just received this from sis Kimberly, now I can share the latest w/Grandma W. Call or write her OK? (my email below) we are glad to hear from Jennie also. Take care & know we (both) love you.
Auntie Doris & Gma Walker